Opening Hours
During the academic year, the Copley Library is open to students, faculty, staff and the Eaglebrook community Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the evenings, residential faculty oversee study hall and similarly, between 1pm and 4pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
Scheduling use of the library
Faculty interested in using the library for their course instruction should email Rachel Meier or stop by the library and note on the calendar (located on the circulation desk) instructor’s name, class time and reason for use.
Scheduling Information Literacy (research) classes
Faculty interested in providing classes with information literacy (research) sessions should email the school librarian Anna Bognolo. In addition, they should complete the Information Literacy Session Request Form.
Borrowing library materials
All members of the Eaglebrook community are invited to borrow materials from the library. Materials need to be signed out at the self-checkout terminal, located on the circulation desk. Instructions on how to use the self-checkout system are provided on site.
Borrowing period
The loan period for books is two weeks (14 days). Patrons receive an automated reminder email when materials are overdue. Renewing an overdue book is allowed as long as there is not another patron waiting to read the book.
Borrowing limits
There is no limit to the number of items that can be borrowed.
Returning materials
The library has a book return slot located at the circulation desk in the library. Please do not leave library materials outside the library doors.
Overdue notice procedure
Overdue notices will be sent automatically by email. For renewals or lost items, please contact the library staff. At the end of each trimester, library staff will contact students then housemasters and advisors, for missing materials.
Overdue Fines
There will be no fines charged for the late return of library materials. However, please remember that others may want to borrow what you have checked-out so be considerate in your use of them.
Lost and damaged materials
A replacement fee will be incurred for lost and damaged materials.
School supplies
The library has a small stock of school supplies available for students. Some of the supplies are for in library use only. Please see a library staff member if you are in need of anything.
Use of copiers and printers
The library has one copier/printer for community use. Please be mindful of the number of jobs and pages sent to this machine at one time. Faculty should not send an entire class into the library to print at one time.
General Library guidelines
The library is an ever-evolving space and collection both of which aim to meet the needs of its users. If there is something you think we do well, could improve upon, would like to see, or an item that you would like us to consider purchasing for the collection, let us know through the “Suggestion box” located on the circulation desk.
Faculty are invited to discuss with library staff titles of interest for possible purchase.